Colbea Runs a Successful Business Networking Event at Brightlingsea Museum.
Posted on 28th January 2025 at 11:05
Following the recent refurbishment and Royal visit, Colbea runs a successful business networking event at Brightlingsea Museum.
Brightlingsea, Colchester 20th January 2025
Brightlingsea High Street bucks national trends. It has a thriving High Street without an empty shopfront, they even have a waiting list for space to become available.
Colbea, in collaboration with the Brightlingsea business community, organised an engaging and informative networking event to share how they have achieved the impossible - a thriving High Street. The event was local-centric with wine supplied by award winning Thorrington Mill Vineyard, food supplied by River Colne Food Co, recently runners up in the Tendring4growth Business Awards. There was a talk from Nick Skinner, Museum Chair explaining how the Museum acts as a community hub for Brightlingsea, not only operating as a Museum, a mechanism to attract visitors to the area, but an events space and an educational resource, essentially extending the museum’s season.
The event was attended by twenty seven local businesses, with a panel discussion from three High Street Ambassadors, Olivia Reilly of Little Boat Gifts, Jayne Chapman of Spirals and Scarlett Andrews of Scarlett’s Wool and Craft Shop, who opened the floor to questions. With over 50-years of combined business incumbent, the panel engaged the audience with their expertise and detailed how the retailers work together referring their customers to other each other to create a retail eco-systems that covers the diverse needs of the community. This was followed by a prepared talk by The Essex Menopause Coach, Julie Court.
Julie detailed how her relocation to Brightlingsea has accelerated her business growth. You might ask why this is important? Brightlingsea have curated an environment that bolsters the local economy proving the High Street is not necessarily a thing of the past, with bright and cheery independent leading the way. Could this be emulated across the region?
To finish the event Peter Reilly, Co-Chair of the Brightlingsea Tourism Advisory Panel, shared how the power of collaboration has made Brightlingsea High Street the success it is today. The introduction of the Visit Brightlingsea web page, a central hub information, has further supported Brightlingsea’s ambitions to a be a all year tourist destination.
Colbea CEO, Simon Mead, who also compered the event said, “This is frankly one of the best business events I have ever attended.
It was great to see businesses old and new working together to create a High Street that should be envied. The energy in the room was palpable. Brightlingsea’s Mayor John described Brightlingsea as the jewel in Tendring’s crown and I have to say, I agree.”
This is one of a series of events being run across the Tendring peninsula, fully funded by Tendring District Council, in partnership with local businesses.
Businesses across Tendring can find the full schedule on the Colbea website; The events are free to attend and are supplemented by fully funded one to one business advice sessions with a mentor and a catalogue of training courses.

About Colbea
Colbea is a not-for-profit enterprise and business support agency acting as a catalyst for business success across Essex. Colbea provides high-quality, inclusive and accessible work space, business support and creative training programs with an ambition to create economically thriving communities across the region. Colbea is currently funded by Tendring District Council to support Tendring Businesses, more information can be found here.
About Brightlingsea Museum
The museum, founded in 1989, opened in new purpose-built premises in 2020 and now they think we rank amongst the best local museums in the country! We offer two exciting trails - the Bricklesey Mouse Trail for younger visitors to the museum and the Town Heritage Trail for families and adults. We also have our unique Beach Hut souvenir shop.
Brightlingsea Tourism Advisory Panel
Brightlingsea Tourism Advisory Panel is made up of Brightlingsea Town Council, Brightlingsea Harbour, Brightlingsea Museum and Little Boats gifts.
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